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Re: Tips on feeding a baby western hognose...

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Posted by Hilbert on January 14, 2003 at 18:19:30:

In Reply to: Tips on feeding a baby western hognose... posted by peterfromme on January 14, 2003 at 13:08:15:

Hi there Peter,
I recently acquired a baby male western hognose snake also. First off, I'm feeding him frozen/thawed split-brained pinkies. If your snake will not take regular pinkies, you can try split-braining them which is a little bit unpleasant to do but my little guy gobbled them up immediately. Anyway, I would first place the pinky in a small plastic container (yogurt, cottage cheese) with holes punched in the top for air. Then I placed the snake in there and shut the lid, then put container with snake and mouse back in the cage (to make sure he won't escape). My container has a transparent lid so I could tell when he was done, after which I put the snake back in the cage. Oh yeah, be sure to wash her hands thoroughly of course to avoid feeding-error bites. Good luck.


:I just bought a baby male western hognose this Sunday at the New York Reptile Expo.
:I put him in a 5.5 gallon aquarium. The temperature is around 80-82.
:I wanted to try and feed him tonight. I believe the vendor stated that its been about a week.
:He's so very small...How do I feed him?
:I know he is capable of eating a small pinky mouse.

:1) Should I just place the pinky in the aquarium? I'm concerned that he won't find it. He spends most of his time under the substrate.

:2) Or, should I first take him out from the substrate than place the pinky in the aquarium?

:3) Finally, should I put them both in a small cup and see if he eats it? I'm afraid by putting him in a cup, he may be to scared to eat.

:I'm new to western hognose snake. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.



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