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Re: off topic..but i need advise on importation.. pls read ..

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Posted by martha on December 10, 2002 at 16:57:54:

In Reply to: off topic..but i need advise on importation.. pls read .. posted by kristin on December 10, 2002 at 10:45:03:

:Hi Kristin - I don't believe in supporting those who catch and sell wild animals. The only reason to keep a wild caught animal (IMHO) is if they are endangered and you are a zoo or some other program trying to repopulate the species. I only purchase Captive Bred animals.

That said - The reality of it is that even if you don't buy this snake, someone else will and the business will continue. So it really all comes down to your concience and how you feel about it.

I believe that every 1 person CAN make a difference :)

Let us know what you decide - no one should be judgemental here!


:i was considering buying a wild-caught asian vinesnake from a known online pet store. I really would love to have one, but i feel like i will be supporting the very thing I have always opposed. I have mixed feelings on the subject because i have ball pythons, beardies, a tegu and a veiled cham who were all (at one point in their heritage) imported. My husband thinks I should wait until they are captive bred here in the states, but it seems like no one is making that effort. I see some people in the forums who claim to have wild-caught/imported animals and everyone keeps quiet about the taboo. What is your overall opinion about importation? Give me your thoughts because i am really torn here. Thanks for your thoughts so i can make a good informed decision w/out my conscience bothering me. -K

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