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My 2 cents worth......if it's worth that much

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Posted by Kevin Earley on October 23, 2002 at 20:02:59:

In Reply to: Re: Pre-Breeding Question posted by Gila Ranch on October 23, 2002 at 19:26:30:

In my experience, which isn't much, this is a hard question to answer. The reason being that there is a wide range in lengths of my females. It is hard to give an average weight when length is to be considered as well. A "short" female of 18-19 inches weight might be of adequate weight but the same gram weight on a 21 inch female it may not. I know this isn't much help but I do have weights for my females (and males) going into hibernation and coming out to track weight loss during hibernation (topor).

One thing to keep in mind. Due to their unique metabolism they are very good at converting food intake to storage. It amazes me how depleted they can look after oviposition and then get right back up to their "normal" weight prior to hibernation with regular feedings. The important thing is finding each females "optimum" weight and then maintain that or replenish it in times of loss.

Others might have more input that they can share.


PS I wish I suffered from Chris's burden of "too many animals not enough time". It must be nice. Maybe some day. LOL

Good luck to you.

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