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No I'm not writing a book...................

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Posted by Kevin Earley on February 17, 2002 at 22:45:05:

In Reply to: Why?... Are you writtin' a book?...... (LOL)...... posted by kerry on February 17, 2002 at 21:11:24:

I was just curious for the sake of curiosity.

All of my knowledge of gilas is from the limited amount of captive experience that I have as well as documentation that I have read and I am always interested in what they do in the wild.

I also wanted to compare their habits in reference to roadways with herps that are native to my state,Florida. As well as see if due to their reclusive nature that some of the range maps were established by observing specimens killed on the road as opposed to actually observing them alive and about in the area. Some animals such as the giant squid have never been seen alive but we know they exist because their carcasses have turned up washed on shore.

I appreciate your time and answers as well as the subtle innuendo that I am some kind of poacher. Rest assured I will not be visiting their natural habitat at any time in the future nor if I was would I partake in any illegal activity.

Thank you

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