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Re: any gila information would be appreciated!

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Posted by kearley on January 08, 2002 at 11:13:41:

In Reply to: any gila information would be appreciated! posted by Matt from Raleigh on January 08, 2002 at 09:57:13:

Dr. Mark Seward has a website dedicated to gila monsters (the link is in his post below this) if you haven't checked it out it is a good place to start. In addition he has authored a book that covers natural history, physiology, husbandry, and reproduction. This is a GREAT resource for "current" information. The majority of books and articles written on the subject are a "little outdated" in my opinion, unless done in the last few years.

He is also a GREAT source of captive born high quality gila monsters as well. I sound like an infomercial but I really can't say enough good things about Dr. Seward. He has helped me through some "interesting" situations (like the spontaneous rupturing egg- but that's a story for another time). There are plenty of other reputable sources of quality gilas as well (not to hurt anyone's feelings). The main thing is KNOW WHAT YOUR BUYING (origin etc.).

And this forum believe it or not is another good source of people that are "passionate" about Heloderma. Though we may have "slightly" different opinions I think if you cut through all the debate we all have an underlying "love" for these animals or we wouldn't be "passionate". It actually gives you a few different angles to look at on a subject and then make your own decision(just scroll down a little while and you'll see what I mean).

Bottom line. I have to warn you about something prior to acquiring a gila monster that I feel is my responsibilty and is a very serious situation. THEY ARE AN ADDICTION........How did LAYS potatoe chips say it? "Bet you can't have just one".

Good luck to you. They are fabulous animals. Like no other reptile I have ever maintained or bred in the past. I'm sure everyone out there would agree.


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