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Now its time for my two cents worth and you may not want it.....

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Posted by kearley on January 05, 2002 at 07:46:04:

In Reply to: The only thing wrong with my post...... posted by kerry on January 04, 2002 at 23:00:54:

First I would like to say that when I questioned AG's photo as being current, I was in NO WAY trying to attack him or insinuate that he was "a liar".

Second. I like Jackie Lapard do think that this should be a place to spread information (by the way nice pictures Jackie). When I came to this forum it was in the hopes of learning more about Heloderma. I have learned alot from Dr. Seward, Ken, Kerry, AG, Jackie Lapard and the list goes on and on(sorry if I didn't mention anyone). The only person I haven't learned anything from is that jerk KEARLEY.

And this is my third point. When you just read that now, none of you know the "real" me and you don't know when I typed that was I smiling (as if a joke) or snearing (as if I was mad). The problem with a forum of this nature is that it is impersonal, as are emails. Without adding codes or symbols to the message you really have no idea whether someone is being sarcastic or not. There is always going to be a difference of opinion but it makes it harder when that opinion is "open for interpertation" due to gramatical errors or misinterperted "humor". Heck even phone conversations can be misinterperted because you can't see facial expressions but at least you can pick up a change in the tone of voice. This is format is worse.

I ,like Ken, would not be arrogant to say the I know EVERYTHING about gilas (and I don't think Kerry is saying that either} anyone who knows me knows that I don't. But that's why I come here is to learn. I'm sure we can all agree that there has been more misinformation or out dated information printed about gilas than there is factual. And even worse we hear more "wive's tales" and folklore that people swear is true (its really bad here in Florida with our herps). I know what my observations of my gilas in captivity are but does that mean that they are the same as Dr. Seward in Colorado, or Ken in New York, or at AG's wherever he is, or even Jackie's whereever she is, or even what they do in the wild. No. There will always be subtle if not HUGE differences depending on a lot of factors. I am intrigued to hear what they are doing in where they are indigenous to as well as in other peoples collections. That's how we learn.

I don't know what has happened in the past here and I really don't want to know. I come home after a hard day at work and look at the forum to see what new pictures are posted(always love that-like a stab wound to my heart when they are "prettier" than mine-HAHA), who's getting reproduction, who's got eggs, who's having trouble, and best of all who saw one in the wild today.

I think we ALL have valuable information that we can share and of course some will have more than others. But there will always be someone smarter, stronger, bigger, or more talented to you. But those are the people you learn from. Students don't teach the class, teachers do.

Please everyone keep doing what you are doing whether it is posting pictures or giving your opinion. This forum has been slow as of late and it seems the only action has been finger pointing. I look forward to coming here and learning something or if nothing else meeting others that have my same passion.

Everyone TAKE A DEEP BREATH and try and be a little more understanding and open to misinterpetation.

Once again this is only my opinion and my apologies. Take them or leave them.

By the way did I tell you all that I am going to replace Dr. Seward as the top gila producer in America, no offense Dr. Seward but your time has come. For the record I was smiling when I typed this and it was meant as a joke (or was it?)

See what I mean.............................

Best regards and luck to all of you this up coming season and have a Happy 2002 I think we deserve it after last year.

Kevin Earley

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