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to hibernate or not?

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Posted by lizardman on May 04, 2003 at 03:37:28:

In Reply to: to hibernate or not? posted by kiwisue on May 01, 2003 at 20:22:09:

:OK, the incompete shed problem has been solved (as has my ignorance of how to use this forum!) but now I am wondering...should I put my baby blue tongue into full hibernation over winter? The Australian winter is relatively mild (compared to the north American one) but it's still chilly enough in Sydney that blueys in the wild hibernate. At present I am leaving her in an outside cage during the day (as the days are still quite warm) and bringing her inside at night. Can I continue to do this all winter, or will it 'confuse' her lizard metabolism? Hoping someone can help.

Hi KiwiSue. If you maintain the Bluetongue Skink at temperatures that keep the lizard from hibernating, it normally should not create problems; just maintain the same level of feeding, sunlight (& artificial UV lighting, etc.-as daylight decreases in Australia. Brumation is usually important for some lizards to influence their breeding season in the following Spring/Summer period.

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