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Parasite Identification Help - Experts needed

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Posted by oldherper on May 03, 2003 at 06:24:59:

In Reply to: Parasite Identification Help - Experts needed posted by Rob Jenkins on May 03, 2003 at 00:57:46:

You pretty much nailed it. The first two are Oxyurid, the 3rd looks to be Taenia, the last 3 appear to be artifact.

:If you have experience identifying parasites with fecal flotation, please let me know what you think these are. They are from an African Fattailed Gecko that is eating and defecating well, with normal, solid feces.

:These are two that I'm 99% sure are oxyurid (pinworm) eggs.

:Not sure about this one, but possibly a tapeworm egg.

:Don't know what this one is, either, but I'm inclined to guess some sort of plant material. I saw a few different 'versions' of this all with different numbers of 'sides'. This one has 10, but there were some with 3,4, and 6 also.

:Not sure about this one.

:I was thinking this was a pinworm, but I have not been able to find a picture of reptile pinworms, only equine, which were white in the images. Is it a worm or a cricket or mealworm part?

:Any help you can provide will be very appreciated.


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