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so i read all of this forum and found out that.....

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Posted by oldherper on April 30, 2003 at 22:54:18:

In Reply to: so i read all of this forum and found out that..... posted by peteralbrian on April 23, 2003 at 16:08:50:

Yes, you can give Panacur and Flagyl together. Droncit is not necessarily a better drug than Panacur. It depends on what species of parasite you are treating. Droncit is better for Flukes and Tapeworms, but Panacur is better for Roundworms, Pinworms and Hookworms. As far a dosing, that also depends on species of the animal being treated, and what he is being treated for. Flagyl can be toxic to some animal (notably snakes of the Drymarchon genus, certain of the Lampropeltis genus and certain of the Crotalus genus. Droncit can have bad side effects on certain Python species. Ivomec is a very dangerous drug to use on your reptiles if you don't know what you are doing, but is indicated for certain parasites.

You really need to find out if your animals really have a problem and if so, what is the problem? You don't really want to be giving drugs to your herps without knowing what you are treating. For instance, if you have pinworms only, then Panacur is all you need. If you have, say, an Entaboeba problem, the Flagyl is all you need. If you have hookworms and Giardia, you would think you would need to treat with Flagyl and Panacur, but that would be incorrect. All you would need is Panacur. Be aware also that dosing is fairly critical. All of the meds can be overdosed with fatal results.

:i continued reading and found out that droncit is better then panacur coz it has a wider spectrum and the dosage is 8 mg/kg PO once, repeat at 2 wks and 4 wks. is it just as safe?

:thanks again

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