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blue tongue skink's incomplete shed

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Posted by kiwisue on April 30, 2003 at 03:00:27:

In Reply to: blue tongue skink's incomplete shed posted by lizardman on April 29, 2003 at 08:43:18:

::I have a baby blue tongue skink (about 2-3 months old.)
::It has just shed, but the right front claw hasn't shed properly, giving the strange appearance of 4 little toes growing out of the end of the middle toe on one foot!! Of course it can't be 'growing', it must just be stuck - but it is stuck quite fast, I can't gently pull it off. Have tried holding the foot in water, but it hasn't softened it enough to come off. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
::PS (As I live in Australia, I keep her outside.)

:You may want to soak the skink in luke-warm water for 20-30 minutes, then if the shed skin has loosened enough, you can gently remove it with tweezers. Make sure the water level is below the skinks' should level.


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