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Crypto plague

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Posted by MichHerper on March 04, 2003 at 07:27:02:

I have heard rumors that there is some what of a crypto plague. I work at one of the best petstore I have ever seen, I know you are thinking the normal petco stuff, but actually we have lots of exotic herps and know how to take care of them. Anyways, in the last 3 groups of leopard geckos that we have gotten in from seperate breeders they have come down with cryptosporidia. Thankfully we quarentine all of our animals. We have done the vet checks, and so have the breeders and crypto is showing up in their stock as well. Now, I have heard rumors that crypto is just eventually going to spread through everything, and only those who can take it will survive. Personally I can see how that is possible, we have seen it in other parasites and virus, but I can't except the fact that it is going to happen to my herps. I personally have survived cryptosporidia. It's not fun. Does anyone else have an opinion on this? Does the rumor have a sense of truth to it?


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