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Re: Metabolic bone disease in 4month old Veild Chameleon? HELP

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Posted by FRANKMIA on February 13, 2003 at 23:17:29:

In Reply to: Re: Metabolic bone disease in 4month old Veild Chameleon? HELP posted by Mr. D on February 11, 2003 at 17:13:07:

:I just looked at that write up that BAH has on these bulbs and I have to laugh every time I see the whole "7.0%" or "5.0%" UVB. UVB is measured in uW/cm2 (microwatts). From everything that I have been able to get my hands on, Kelvin scale and CRI have absolutely NOTHING to do with UVB production and will have pretty much zero effect on a reptile other than to allow for better photographing. While I have yet to put a UVB meter under one of these particular bulbs I HAVE taken readings on the ReptiSun/IguanaLight 5.0's and Vitalites. At a distance of 12" the ReptiSuns produce a whole 10 microwatts. The Vitalights a big ol' goose egg. Yes this figure will double if you add a second bulb to the equation but what manufacuters often DON'T tell you is that UVB decay is such that much more than 12" from the bulb fluo tubes generally will not kick out ANY UVB. If you're going to have to double up on fluo bulbs anyway you may as well invest in mercury vapor bulbs - which by the way is all that I personally use on anything with UVB requirements. The BAH rep tried to CHA in saying that it couldn't possibly be the bulb. That is assuming 3 things - 1.) that the bulb is actually functioning properly and producing any UVB at all 2.) that the chams can get within 12" of the bulb in order to get any exposure 3.) that the UVB produced by these bulbs IS NOT PASSING THROUGH ANY GLASS OR SCREENING SMALLER THAN 1/2" IN DIAMETER.

:Did he happen to mention anything about #2 or #3 to you at all? Glass, be it real or plexi, etc. if not specifically designed to allow UV penetration will filter out as much as 100% of any UV attempting to pass through it. Screening, even that contained in the reptile lids or "reptarium" mesh WILL filter out as much as 50% of any available UVB as well. And if a reptile cannot synthesize enough D3 from available UVB then all the calcium suplimentation in the world will do it no good as it simply will not be able to assimilate it without proper D3 levels.... Artifically suplimenting D3 can be a dangerous and quite possibly toxic proposition especially if you are using UV lighting at the same time if you aren't exactly sure of correct dosages. Just a few things to think about.....

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