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Re: RTI and my Juvie Water!

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Posted by zach_whitman on February 04, 2003 at 15:32:15:

In Reply to: RTI and my Juvie Water! posted by martinsonly on February 04, 2003 at 14:02:42:

:I have a juvie Chinese Water Dragon who I purchased then found it to have a respiratory infection (gaping and some clear mucous, a "pop" at the start of a gape). I have no money available at this time to go to the vet (please withold negative comments).

:For two weeks I saw relief (no gaping or mucous and a resumed appetite) after adding increased heat 24 hours a day. I used Reptosol in some peach baby food (which it loved) to help boost it's immune system. This morning I woke up and found the "pop" and gaping had returned, though I've made no decrease in the heat. I have human grade amoxicillin, keflex, and trimox available. Can I use these? If not what should I do? Again, I'm not in a position to take the animal to the vet at this time (willing, but not able).

Keep the heat and the humidity up and make sure it gets plenty of good food/vitamin supliments. Is it possible that the temperature in the cage fell during the night? Blackout maybe? I don't know how safe it is to use the medicines you have. I would call any exotics vet and just ask him if they are safe for your lizard. I have also heard (but have never used) tetracyclin can be used as a cheap cure for RTI. It is cheap and available at most pet stores. If you do call a vet, ask what he thinks about teracyclin as well.

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