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Posted by PAL on April 24, 2003 at 17:51:37:

I just found out that my house has to be tented. This means moving all of my snakes (12) and lizards (9) out of the house for 3 days. I can move those in < 20 gallon containers somewhere in their cages but those in large containers will have to be moved into rubbermaids and be stored somewhere. Can a snake live for 3 days in a rubbermaid with water? I don't see how I can set up heat other than to keep them in a heated room, (this includes a JCP 5ft, IJCP- 3.5ft, 2 BRB's (one 4ft and one 3ft) , 3 vine snakes, a couple of garter snakes ( I think that the other containers are small enough to move out of the house. This is a mess! What have you guys done when your house had to be fumigated??

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