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Posted by swara on February 12, 2003 at 21:09:52:
Please read the following and let me know what you all think before I start sending out! Thanks a million!
We stand again at a threshold of another debate regaurding a ban on snakes and against herpers. This is an unfair and uninformed debate that takes place. This is an argument against the ban of
snakes and the reasons not to support such a ban.
We want to look at placing a ban on retiles for several reasons. The first is the fear that people have of snakes due to the bad reputation that snakes are given. Most of the people that are afraid of snakes have never even been with one face to face. They have a psychological fear that has been placed in them since birth. Many people who fear these animals do not have a
legitimate reason to fear these beautiful and mysterious animals. On the other hand, there are many people who fear dogs. These people have legitmate fear of a dog normally based upon a
traumatic experience of being mauled, maimed, or frighted by a dog at some point in their lives. Yet, only those dogs with a bad reputations are ban in communites. Why not all dogs? Why should an animal be ban based on the fears of others? There are very few reports of a snake attacking in a domestic setting. Yet, there are thousands of reports about a domestic dog attacking children, neighbors, and ever turning on their owners. This is how animals get bad reputations.
Second, the argument about the number of snakes abandoned in a year. According to national sources there are more that 7 million dogs and cats euthanized in a year! About 80% of all
animals put to sleep each year are healthy, adoptable animals, there just isn’t enough homes for them all. This comes to bring a question of how many snakes have you come across "free roaming" as abandoned cats and dogs? Have you ever woken up to a cat fight in your backyard and remembered that you don't own any cats? Have you ever woken up to a snake attempting to eat out of your garbage can? I ask these questions since abandoned snakes seems to top the list of reasons to ban them. Yet, we do not ban animals that are being euthanized at a rate of 868 animals a minute? In comparison to the snakes that are abandoned in a year the number is minute.
People who house snakes and domestically keep snakes are placing more time and money in their animal than those who house cats or dogs. To keep snakes is not cheap or easy. These people are
very dedicated to give their animals a good life just as the people who house other animals are. They must spend thousands every year on housing,food, and vet. Very few people realize the time that must go into these animals. They demand more time that a cat or dog and must be handled on a daily basis to ensure the recognition of their owner. It is unfair to assume that these animals are "disposable" to the world and that a ban on them is even fair. The owners of these animals are passionate in caring for an animal that the world sees as "vile, bad and disposable". Most snake owners are also dedicated to keeping their snake safe and the public informed. Many snake owers belong to a herpological society in their area to keep up with news and media and to arrange "public awareness" sessions to teach people who are curious more about these animals.
In conclusion, I believe that placing a ban on snakes is not a fair nor educated decision. These animals need a home, love, and equal treatment just as all animals deserve. They are not any more dangerous that a dog yet people wish to ban them. I am hoping that the reasons and numbers shown above will help people realize that there is not anymore reason to ban snakes than there is to ban any other animal, especially animals that are most commonly housed as domesticated pets. Please think long and hard before placing a ban on an animal that is more misunderstood than anything else. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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