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New Agama maybe be gravid???? HELP!

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Posted by cheyenness on May 10, 2003 at 10:48:53:

I recently purchased a YOUNG pair of red head agamas (less than 2 weeks ago). The female looks to be VERY "pear shaped" and it almost seems like she is getting wider everyday. She is still eating and fairly active but definitely FAT! She has been scratching around in the substrate and I have placed a large tupperware tub in there with a dirt/sand/Bed a beast mixture in it. (the mix is about 8 -10" deep)
What can I expect? How long after they show signs of being gravid do they actually lay? How many do they lay on average?Should I follow the general rules relating to bearded dragons for incubating the eggs, etc? Should I seperate her from the male since he keeps trying to mate with her and may be causing her added stress?

Any advice would be very welcome.

If you want to see a picture of her, please email me. I don't know how to ad a picture to a post.

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