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Re: some questions about jeweled curly tails

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Posted by nickpurvis on April 09, 2003 at 16:32:53:

In Reply to: some questions about jeweled curly tails posted by GaiasPriestess on February 21, 2003 at 21:45:11:

:I am thinking about getting a pair of jewels, but honestly I know nothing about them except they are insectivores and like heat. Can anyone point me in the direction of a care sheet or book? Also, I have a 30 gallon long to put them in, sufficient? Exactly what temps do they need, do they ever eat veggies, do they need UVB, do they burrow, what kind of substrate, and most importantly I need breeding information. Also, has anyone ever heard of them being captive bred? Is there a market for CB curly tails? I'd just like to be able to get a little money back from all the mouths I feed =) If anyone has any suggestions for what would probably work better (besides geckos or skinks) please let me know. Thank you.

:HI its me again just wondering if you got those lizards or not if you have bred them let me know how because they are awsome lizards Im about to get a pair myself.thanks

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