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Re: Japalura splendida np

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Posted by PhoenixZorn on February 19, 2003 at 01:34:44:

In Reply to: Re: Japalura splendida np posted by 59herps on February 17, 2003 at 23:18:32:

I was kidding about the beardie leg thing... the pic you posted of the Japalura... was that an adult or a juvie?? That's about the size they were in the shop. Any way to tell about how old they are? I ask this for breeding purposes, as I know older dragons lose their viability.

:Yes 4-5 is correct. If your beardies legs are 4-5 inches you have really big beardies. And I think you can only sex them vy buldges and size, females being smaller. Seriously though join the Japalura group that I mentioned earlier. They know more about Japaluras than I do.

::Hey Devlin,

::That care sheet, while interesting, didn't have much info on the actual dragons except for the names they have been called. Can they be sexed like beardies, or is it different? P.S... 4-5 inch STV length is Adult?? That would be odd, considering my two beardies have legs that long... lol

:::Yes they are sexable at that size because they are adults. Below is a link to a care sheet for them.
::: Devlin



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