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just your friendly pain in the butt here. ;)

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Posted by Tenor Goddess on February 13, 2003 at 18:28:48:

In Reply to: Re: see there's the prob... posted by 59herps on February 12, 2003 at 22:42:30:

:ok in the pic I thought that the scale was naturally razed. SInce it isn't I am now really prone to believing its a male. I assume the animal has defecated on you. Next time it does watch to see if a hemipenis is everted. If not its safe to sat you have a little girl.
: Devlin

heheh, ok. No actually, Homey has never pooped on me before. As a matter of fact, he's never eaten in front of me either but I know he eats since the crickets disappear and he sheds and is significantly plumper than when he first arrived. ;)
I purposely raised the scale up as I mentioned before to just show that it's there as the picture makes it really hard to tell without raising it.
Out of what little research there is about them out there, I too have read about the spurs...but do you think they could be sexed by probing perhaps like snakes?
I did a search and thought it was interesting that apparently only 3 zoos have this particular species. I'm going to see if I can get an answer from them as well. Who knows, maybe they'll actually answer me. :D
I'm so very curious and find this research exciting to say the least. lol!


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