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Re: I 100% completly agree with you n/p

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Posted by 59herps on January 04, 2003 at 00:31:09:

In Reply to: Re: I 100% completly agree with you n/p posted by agubbay on January 03, 2003 at 19:37:26:

Two things, one I own the atlas and it is a bit outdated on what it says. Two, the Podacris isn't a "desert type" lizard, they live or atleast the subspecies I have seen all are forest-semiarid woodland species. Keep in mind there at one time was 91 subspecies of this lizard, only about 5 of which are in the US. It should be housed in a 20 gallon tank that has either real plants or lots of silk plants with a few wood pieces on both the hot and cool side. They really like to dig so an upturned flower pot with a hole works great for them. I have seen them housed with ferns and long grass as the only plants in the tank and the animals flourished and bred. I suggest using 4-5 inches of ESU jungle mix. They are very aboreal also and often will jump on to the top screen and hang there. A 75 watt basking bulb and a florescent fixture are both needed. They should have a waterdish that they can soak in. They humidity should be around 40-50% and hey will hibernate for two moths out of the year. Ohh and the same size thing doesn't matter! Parasites do though, something which you need to realize. As for ethically wrong I was pointing out that you said you would let the lizard die and bring it back to the store and yell at the guy rather than putting it into a better tank which you can do right now!

:They are both "desert" type lizards, they were in that set-up when they were bought so there goes the theory of not being the same type of habitat....secondly he aint killin anythin, they are the same size, if anything the crevice is a little larger. This next quote is from a reptile atlas about 1000 pages thick, in regards to the ruins lizard..."can be kept with different species of similar size, however multiple males of the same species can not be kept together"...if u want ill give u the info on the atlas and u can see for yourself. I have plenty of hiding spaces for both of them, they will stay out of eachothers way, and plenty of food so they dont try to snack on eachother. as far as beign ethically wrong, if anything starts to happen ill seperate, i have an extra tank.

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