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Re: Salifin Experiance?

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Posted by 59herps on January 03, 2003 at 14:25:04:

In Reply to: Salifin Experiance? posted by Liquidsalt on January 03, 2003 at 11:51:21:

Well they are very neat lizards and mattering on the species and age and sex you get, they can become great or terrible captives. Well first of they require a huge enclosure. Atleast 6x4x4, with a minimum of a 3x4 water secton. You have chosen to get the largest agamid (3ft) which comes with a few burdens such as cage size, care, and basically making sure yours will atleast tolerate you. They can inflict nasty bites and really painful welts from their tail. A wc adult I saw once was so scared of humans that it broke its jaw jumping into the walls of its cage when anyone entered. But, most will simply run into water when they are scared. They are omnivores and enjoy fruit, silk worms, king mealworms, and mice. The one I kept tamed down within 2 months of getting him but he never would let me hold him. He merely tolerated me coming into his cage and me scratching his back from time to time. If you can get a baby or a cb one you should have a very tame pet. I personaly like the horned sail finned dragons (H. pustulatus) but they aren't common in the herp trade.

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