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beginner gecko?

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Posted by breen7 on May 04, 2003 at 01:41:10:

Hello. I'm a relatively well-seasoned herp fan and I'm now considering getting myself a gecko of some sort. I was wondering if you have any suggestions for me to research? I've been thinking about getting a leopard gecko or a crested, but I wouldn't mind having some other geckos to research while I'm at it. Some of my criterea for a potencial gecko:
-doesn't need a tank larger than 20 gallons
-adapts well to handling
-eats fruit (well... not a requirment, but the idea of a gecko eating fruit appeals to me)
-relatively easy to feed

That's pretty much it. I guess those are basic desires, but I thought it would be good to out-line them all the same. :) Your suggestions are very welcome!

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