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Giant Day Gecko Breeders & Behavior in G.D. & Golden Geckos

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Posted by texaskiwi on April 30, 2003 at 23:02:57:

Does anyone know of a good online breeder for G.D. Geckos as there are no stores around where I live that sell them. I already have one but I bought it i Austin (I now live in Houston) and that was 1 of 2 times I've ever seen them for sale ever. I got my baby when he/she was about 2 and a half inches long and now it's about 7 inches. My boyfriend and I want to breed it but that's kind of hard to do with only one :) We've already got a cage that is 3ftL x 2ftH x 1ftW that I believe is a 39gal that we're keeping our baby Panther Chameleon in until we finish it's much larger cage. We want to have at least 2 Day Geckos (3 if size permits) in this cage to breed. I was also wondering if I could put the Golden Gecko in the same cage since it is over 10".

Also... My geckos have become very well trained when I feed them and they will eat mealworms out of my fingers (although I don't do this often with my Golden who's full grown and has a nasty bite). Usually I'll open the lid a crack and the noise will cause them to run to that side and stare at me and the Golden gets too excited sometimes and almost comes out of the cage for me to feed it and I push it back in with my fingers. Normally if I did this it would run away but it wants food so it lets me physically push it back and actually touch its head without bothering it. My geckos pay attention to what I'm doing now and will usually look at me when I pass by their tanks. My Bearded Dragon also does something similar. Whenever he sees me shake the plastic bag to dust the crickets he gets excited and my Panther Chameleon will go on to the side mesh door that I usually place the crickets on when he's hungry and waits for me to feed him.

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