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Posted by UroJade on April 26, 2003 at 19:10:35:

In Reply to: does anyone else have dune geckos? posted by nocturnal36 on April 25, 2003 at 15:24:17:

i was told it was an Isreali Dune Gecko, but it looks differnt then the ones on he's got a dark brown strip that goes from his shoulder to just before his back legs and the top of him is yellow with speckly brocken up stripes,and his tail is pretty thin,i dont know if its normal or if he needs to eat more and he waves its around when he's digging mostlyat the tip,i havnt seen him eat anything yet but he has walked up to crickets then left them and he nosed a small mealworm then walked away from it, this is the first lizard i ever had that im afrain of breaking he's so delicate, also, what i have found on them siad they wont be tamed, but he's real good about getting picked up,sometimes he even climbs up my arm if i put my hand near him and he's just sitting here cleaning his face with his tounge as im comparing him to pictures of others,i guess im gonna have alot of questions, like do i have to get him wormed? how would i get his mouth open with out hurting him?, lol he just crawled under the keyboard tail twitching all the way, i better put him back before he gets lost, by and thanks for any help at all that you might give me

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