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First fertile clutch?

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Posted by eliotm on April 24, 2003 at 13:58:40:

So here's my question.
I have kept my female grandis alone for two years now. She has always occasionally laid infertile eggs. She was being kept at home where she didn't receive as regular care as I wanted for her, so I took her to school. She loves her new terrarium and is really bold. I bought a male on May 15. He is really healthy and about a year and a half old. Within an hour of placing him in the tank he started dancing around the female and nosing into her legs. I had to go to class for a couple hours, so I never got to see whether they actually mated or not. She just laid one egg a few minutes ago. Can I assume this egg is infertile due to how soon after the introduction it occurred? Can I assume they mated at all? Thanks

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