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Re: Could it be... Actual Tokay Progress :)

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Posted by LizardFlorida on April 17, 2003 at 23:21:06:

In Reply to: Could it be... Actual Tokay Progress :) posted by BeDreamin on April 17, 2003 at 18:51:21:

Try getting some blunt end tongs or large forceps and feed it crickets. In time it will learn to associate you as the provider of food. In time it will learn to trust you.

My TOKAY sometimes will JUMP on my arm, but I never have problems cleaning its cage and it will let me hold, pet, etc. but only if she feels like coming on me. mine enjoys being talked to. they KNOW.

problem is my TOKAY will not eat unless I handfeed her and lost the capacity to hunt on its own entirely. but I have no problem with that.


:Just wanted to thank you guys for the advice... My tokay (he is definitely a male by the way) is starting to tame down. I'm at the point that I can put my hand in the cage next to him without any agression, and can actually stroke his back for a second. He still decides to turn around and give me a squeeky warning bite, but not a knock down dragged out death hold anymore. Thanks! If I ever get to the point I can hold him long enough for a picture I'll post.
:Have a great Easter everybody!

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