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Re: What plants would work in this day gecko terrarium?

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Posted by geckogirl72 on April 10, 2003 at 16:48:57:

In Reply to: Re: What plants would work in this day gecko terrarium? posted by Zeb on April 06, 2003 at 09:31:40:

: No, I just set up the tank so I haven't taken any pics yet...

: It's a Giant Day gecko, by the way. I adopted him from someone who didn't want him any longer, and he wasn't being cared for too nicely. He had lived in a 10 gallon with NO decorations but a small water dish and carpet, with just a normal light bulb and no UV lighting....and was only fed babyfood his entire life. ( 4 years, they say. ) I've had him for about 4 weeks now, and he's changed quite a bit! He eats crickets and other bugs, and his skin looks much better. Anyways....I had alot of different respnses on what size enclosure they needed. Some said a 20 gal high, some said a 60 gallon or better. Either way, I had this tank laying around and figured it would be better at least for now.


Poor thing! Glad to hear he's doing better. I love the giant day geckos! I have a standings pair and my next purchase, once I get a bigger apartment, is going to be a grandis. I checked in my day gecko book, and it also says snake plants are good. I agree with the other entry, pot the plants. I use pots and it will make a huge difference when you clean the tank. The size of your tank sounds good for just one, but if you are planning on breeding you will definitely need a larger tank. They like the taller tanks. Hope this helps. Good luck setting up the tank.

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