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Re: Crested gecko question

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Posted by desertgecko on April 03, 2003 at 16:29:36:

In Reply to: Crested gecko question posted by elvira on April 03, 2003 at 14:23:12:

do you place it on the ground? i found with my gold dusts, i have to bring it to them. although i was told they would go down to the ground to eat it, they didn't. so now i have at the end of a they're bamboo log and they go to it. its more on they're level. try this with your cresty. other then that, try another flavour of baby food and just give him a bit of time.


:I have a 9 week old crested. He/she eats crickets really well, but I was wondering at what age do they take an interest in the fruit babyfood? I use a lid to a midget container (3 millimeters deep) and put a small amount of peach baby food in it and leave it over night. He doesn't touch it, but I keep putting it in there waiting and hoping he will.

:Thanks in advance for any input. :o)

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