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Re: Helmeted Gecko

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Posted by jmorris on March 22, 2003 at 23:53:31:

In Reply to: Helmeted Gecko posted by Batted on March 22, 2003 at 21:21:18:

There is a guy on this forum from Sweden, goes by the handle Gunilla, who keeps Helmets. he has only had them for a while, but seems to know a fair bit.

I can tell you a few things myself however. Their scientific name was recently changed from Geckonia chazaliae to Tarentola chazaliae, and they are terestrial "humid desert" dwelers. A pair can be maintained in a 20 gallon (some say 10, but it is just too small to provide a sufficient temp gradient) I doubt you will get anywhere near taming these little guys, as they make up for their lack of size with lots of additude. They do well in pairs, groups of females, or male/multiple female setups, with pleanty of hiding spots. Fine sandy substrate is apropriate, with furnishings being mostly composed of securly stacked rocks providign crevices and some small climbing areas. Basking areas should reach 100, and cool areas into the 60's (degrees F). Provide a moist hide in the middle of that temp grade (in the 80's, somewhere in the middle of the tank), and keep the relative humidity around 70% throughout the cage. They will feed voraciously on anything they can fit in their mouths.

here are some links to help you out:
Gecko World Caresheet

Cyberlizard's sumery of 'em

Globla Gecko Asociation

This last link does not have a caresheet, but is a wonderful organization that I highly recomend you join. The help you recieve on the mailing list of the GGA is so informative, it's worth every dollar of membership.

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