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Re: advice, please...

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Posted by gekkogecko on March 18, 2003 at 09:00:27:

In Reply to: advice, please... posted by breakfastatme on March 18, 2003 at 07:28:07:

Personally, I would go with the 20 long because it will be much easier to clean and will give them plenty of ground space, more than the hex. I think heat will be less of an issue too. A simple medium sized UTH with a rheostat or a human heating pad WITHOUT Auto Shutoff under the tank. The heater should be placed on one side of the tank as to leave a cooler side for them to retreat to if they wish. The temp on the warm side should be around 85F to 90F. Make sure you have a moisture hide, a couple dry hides, calcium dish and water dish. As far as substrate goes, there are some that are safer than others. I recently made the switch from washed play sand to 12" x 12" clay tiles. I didn't have any problems with sand, the tile is just easier to clean and keeps the cicket egg laying to a minimum. I'd definitely get a screen cover for the 20 long as well. Geckos will climb out if there is an available escape route. The 35 hex would be perfect for arboreals such as a couple of Crested or Gargoyle geckos.

Good luck Tiffany,
Bruce N

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