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Outdoor enclosure for caiman crocodilus

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Posted by Bryan OKC on May 17, 2003 at 20:21:09:

In Reply to: Outdoor enclosure for caiman crocodilus posted by seal on May 17, 2003 at 12:59:46:

:I've already searched the archives, but there is hardly no information about outdoor enclosures.
:I'm planning an outdoor enclosure, which will only be used during the warm months in summer.
:Avaiable space is about 20x20 feet. What kind of "fence" do you use? And what should be the height of it? Any infos converning the entire topic would be greatly appreciated!

The link below has a few photos of one of my outdoor pens. It is made from wire corral panels, about 1/4" steel rod welded into 4" squares. (To find them locally, try looking under "steel" or "wire" in the yellow pages). The panels are 4 feet tall and 20 feet long. The framework is treated 4x4 lumber, spaced 5 feet apart and sunk into the ground as "posts". The bottom panels are buried about 20" deep, and another panel is above, for a total of 8 feet, 6 1/2 of it above ground. I also put joists across and fastened poultry netting over the top. I don't think the gators would ever climb out, but just in case some kid ever breaks into the property, he'll have to climb two six foot fences AND use wire cutters to "accidentally" fall in the gator enclosure.

I rented a small track-hoe ($150/day+$2 in diesel fuel) to dig the pond, then used a rubber liner. Concrete would have been better, but it wasn't in the budget. In a few years, I'll double the size of the pool and enclosure.

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