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My experience at Alligator Adventure, Myrtle Beach SC

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Posted by Crocs4Me on May 13, 2003 at 00:12:50:

In Reply to: My experience at Alligator Adventure, Myrtle Beach SC posted by Bill Moss on May 12, 2003 at 18:26:05:

Well, i must admit that it sounds like these guys had no business attempting to capture a caimen with those methods and the gator on a hook is just horrifying to say the least...Seems to me this attraction needs to hire somebody who has a clue about working with crocodilians before other animals get hurt or even worse, One of the workers gets hurt really bad because of lack of training..What you posted was very troubling and the very thought of those people whacking those poor animals in the head just turns my stomach.....I've has some hair raising experiences in the past with mad crocs but never have I had to smack one in the head with a pole..I normally did the smart thing and just got out of the way and let them calm down and tryed again later to do what I needed done...I personally would write to the general manager of that attraction and tell him exactly what you saw and how upsetting it was...Just my 2 cents

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