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smooth front caimen

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Posted by DocCroc on May 11, 2003 at 10:33:53:

In Reply to: smooth front caimen posted by psusocr on May 11, 2003 at 01:20:25:

:i know all animals are different , but my smoothfront is on his land about 25% of the day compared to the water at about 75%. So if anything try to provide him with as much water as possible.
:Hope i helped

My smooth front like to remain in the water most of the time. Almost all hatchlings does that because they can go under water anytime if they felt stressed.
Brady Barr rarely bask on the land but would do it whenever he wanted to. I would take out the caiman and house him in other tank. (you can either seal that crack up or buy large rubbermaid until you can buy larger tank)If you dont take it out and the caiman will more likely be stressed, he will stop eat and possibly death.
YES!! provide the caiman with lot water space. He'll be a happy caiman!

Doc Croc

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