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That's great!

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Posted by Matt Harris on May 07, 2003 at 12:12:07:

In Reply to: That's great! posted by Bill Moss on May 07, 2003 at 11:18:10:

:Where was Mama? or was this taken with a long lens?


Somewhere under the canoe. We kept seeing bubbles, but not her.
Actually that pic was taken from maybe 8-10 feet away?? It went like this.

1/2 our group took two canoes up the Rio Sirena....the other half(7 including myself) hiked to the Rio Pavo, the down the Pavo a mile or so where it empties into the Rio Sirena. We met the first group there and we took the canoes down the Rio Sirena. After rounding a bend in the river, we were near the bank when I noticed a little snout moving toward a baby basilisk...the snout rose out of the water and sure enough it was a baby croc. I scanned a little to the right and saw a mud-covered tail...and then another and another and another....and lo-and-behold, there was this pile of babies on the bank. Our canoe got stuck on a log and we almost scared the babies but luckily they didn;t scatter.

well we paddled a few hundred yards down the river to alert the other canoe and paddle back up because none of us(3) in our canoe had a camera and the paddlers in the first canoe were talking too much to pay attention to the it was a lucky find.

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