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Dwarf Caiman health Update. Good news!

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Posted by JeffP on May 05, 2003 at 21:10:41:

Well, after two weeks of looking barely alive, my Palp. has made an apparent full recovery. His demeanor improved as quick as it faltered. We still do not know, conclusively, what the problem is. It seems that he had a toxic reaction to something and possibly had a seizure. Possibly a liver problem, allowing the buildup of toxins in his system or something he was exposed to. the only other thing that I can come up with is that a few wild mice came into our house, over the winter. I know that he caught and ate, at least one of them, that wandered into his pen. Maybe these mice ingested poison from another home. It's hard to say. When I'm sure that he is stable, I will take him in for some blood work.
He seems to be acting perfect. He regained his coordination, speed and appetite. Thee lesions on his hind feet, also seem to be disappearing. I'd like to take a moment and thank Bill, Jim and John for their concern and suggestions. I'll tale some recent pics soon and post them. I'm redecorating his environment, this month.

Take care all.

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