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12 foot gator

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Posted by Ravenspirit on May 04, 2003 at 12:10:42:

In Reply to: 12 foot gator posted by jamesag on May 04, 2003 at 11:38:19:

Well, depends - For me, I make sure that I dont take in any animals that get 12 feet long.

I do have an alligator, and several caiman. My alligator is a female, and is currently a little over 5 feet. "Maximum size" for a female gator, I believe, is somewhere around 9 feet. Judgeing from her current and past growth history, I expect her to get around 6, maybe 6.5 feet as a "full grown" animal, but, you never know - My largest caiman, a male, is just under 6 feet, and hasnt grown much in over a year. Thats not to say he couldn't grow more. The rest of the caiman i keep are all females. I really dont expect any of the crocodilians in my collection to get over 7 feet in length. I have a large pen set up in my bedroom for the larger 3 animals, and the smaller 2 caiman live in an attached smaller pen.

Eventually, Im pretty sure the alligator will outgrow her caiman companions, and will need a pen of her own - I will probably just give her free run of my art studio.Then I could move the smaller 2 caiman, in with the larger 2.

Then again, I may just be moveing to a larger place in the not to distant futre, so, Then I will have to make an all new pens

Raven -

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