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Gator Temp

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Posted by DocCroc on April 30, 2003 at 22:37:17:

In Reply to: Gator Temp posted by ReptileMatt on April 30, 2003 at 21:28:59:

95-100 degree basking is perfect temp for gators to chill and stay warm. Keep in mind the American gators in Florida are wild animals. They adapted to the weather in Florida because they are in their natural surrounding and they are able to tolerate the weather up and downs. In captivity I believe that the temp should be stable. I like to keep my animals on stable schedule. The water itself absorbs heat from the sun, depending on the depth of water. It’s different with captivity, so we need to heat the water to mimic the temperature of the natural lake. In the captivity, if the temp is cold, the gator is more likely to reject food or move around because the body part is stiff from being cold. I went to alligator adventure in Myrtle Beach last week; the weather was pretty gloomy and chilly. The workers there mentioned that the alligator might not respond to food because of the weather. I feel that keeping alligators in higher, warm temperature is the best because it helps them digest their food. Just my two cents from my experience.

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