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dino1sf.......or anyone with a caiman and gator

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Posted by dino1sf on April 22, 2003 at 02:00:46:

In Reply to: dino1sf.......or anyone with a caiman and gator posted by mec on April 21, 2003 at 07:17:14:

When I introduced them , I had the Caiman by himself for several years. The gator was about half the size of the Caiman.
The funny thing was that the Caiman seemd scared of the Gator. In fact the first weekend they were together the Caiman jumped out of the enclosure (the only time that ever happened)After a few days of being a little jumpy around eachother they calmed down and were basking on top of eachother and getting along great. The Gator is now a bit bigger then the Caiman and they still get along fine. The only issue I have is during feeding time because the Gator is a pig and wants all the food for himself thats the only time they get a little snappy at eachother. I usually make sure the Gator gets a large piece of food first then feed the caiman while the Gator is chomping down his food.

:when did you introduce your caiman and did it go

:i have a caiman right now, and she's as agressive as ever, and i was wondering how it went when you put you 2 together and how old/big were they, just cuz i wanna put a gator in with her.
:shes only about 14 inches right, so i didnt think it would a big problem, but i wanna doubly check first.

:thanks in advance

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