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Posted by keithlove on April 21, 2003 at 22:34:23:

In Reply to: This? posted by Bill Moss on April 21, 2003 at 22:25:32:

Its a liitle bit southeast of where it is pointing. I have been looking on the next at skelatal structures of gators and it shows there is no bone ther, like a little hollow hole on the lower jaw on either side. maybe called a a foramen or near that! thank you, what is it?

:If this is what you are referring to, this is an attachment point for muscles and is soft.



::Thanks for the quick reply!!! its not under the jaw but right on the side of the jaw, where it looks like it should be all bone or hard. just to clarify, so is this the same thing? thansk again

:::There are musk glands in these little pockets. Many time you will see them evert when the animal is excited/stressed. Nothing to worry about.


::::On the lower jaw of a gator or caimen is it commom for the them to have soft spots on either side of the lower jaw, its right at the end before the jaw hinge? its like a little pocket under the skin? I have ever really even noticed it before! Does any one know what they are or is it normal? Thank you someone please ease my mind




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