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Re: New Alligator Owner.

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Posted by keithlove on April 21, 2003 at 21:47:03:

In Reply to: New Alligator Owner. posted by mikeperez on April 21, 2003 at 17:17:00:

Hey! My gator went about 3-4 days before he ate, now he wont stop!!! You might not oughta be in the room while you feed him or try to wact h to closly at first, might make him nervous. Leave it in there over night for him. Instead of gold fish goto a bait store and get a dozen crappie minnows its better for them.
They are faster and put up a better fight than the goldfish, for exercise sake and gold fish usually bad for them because pet store usually put chemical or medicine in the water for the goldfish. I go with a diet of minnows and crickets and I have bought a few pinky mice for treats to mix it up. but tink about a baby gator in the wild they usualyy only get fish and bugs and frogs its not till thewy are bigger around 2 yrs before they take on mammals. When mine gets alot bigger i will mix it up with minnows mice (frozen) chicken gizzards and hearts catfish nuggets and sao on. Good luck they are alot of fun!!!!

:hello i just recieved a baby alligator sunday and i wanted to know if the alligator should start eating right away or its normal for them to wait a while to eat?i put crickets and a few goldfish in his tank to see if he preferred the goldfish or the crickets i will try pinkies but the petstores were sold out today.thanks.mike.

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