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my thoughts exactly Carlos! n/p

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Posted by caimanking on April 19, 2003 at 20:20:06:

In Reply to: General Question. why are newbie croc owners always broke?? posted by carlos1 on April 17, 2003 at 13:51:35:

:Hey guys, I jusy have a generalized question. Almost every post i read about people wanting to buy a croc is that they are looking for the cheapest animals bc they dont have alot of money. WTF!! I just cannot imagine if you have to haggle over 25$ price difference between dealers, how in the WORLD are you expecting to properly care, feed, house for the animal in a 6 months/year when its 2x as big, or even as an adult? I just cant understand this thought process. This is not inteneded to be a flame but a real thought provoking question.

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