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Re: General Question. why are newbie croc owners always broke??

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Posted by RobnGravez on April 17, 2003 at 23:52:27:

In Reply to: General Question. why are newbie croc owners always broke?? posted by carlos1 on April 17, 2003 at 13:51:35:

In the post you linked to ReptileMatt stated that he has already had a gator, therefre it would make sense that he already has the setup and resources to house a replacement(for lack of a better word). Also I purchased my gator at a herp show in St. Louis for $40. There were lots of gators there to choose from between $80 and $125, but only one healthy gator for $40. The $110 saved bought several months worth of gator food. Just because some one wants to get the best deal around doesn't mean they're broke or can't afford to properly house the animal, maybe they are just being thrifty...

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