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A generalized answer/analogy>>>more

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Posted by highlander1 on April 17, 2003 at 23:12:42:

In Reply to: General Question. why are newbie croc owners always broke?? posted by carlos1 on April 17, 2003 at 13:51:35:

:Hey guys, I jusy have a generalized question. Almost every post i read about people wanting to buy a croc is that they are looking for the cheapest animals bc they dont have alot of money. WTF!! I just cannot imagine if you have to haggle over 25$ price difference between dealers, how in the WORLD are you expecting to properly care, feed, house for the animal in a 6 months/year when its 2x as big, or even as an adult? I just cant understand this thought process. This is not inteneded to be a flame but a real thought provoking question.

Theres probably more than one reason but my reason is to save a little dough.To me spending upwards of 2-$300 dollars or more for any croc is just a tad bit expensive.So if i can find a better deal somewhere else and get just as good of quality animal then i'm going for the cheaper version.Also the money saved would be able to help provide for housing,food,lighting,etc. So i really dont see the problem in being cheap.

Heres an analogy for you,same concept just different item.Take a car/truck for instance.Would you go out and spend $40-$50,000 on a 2003 dodge if you could buy a 1995 dodge in just as good a shape with all the extras for about $30,000 cheaper?I think i would go for the cheaper one so i could have myself enough money left over to buy a boat to go with it.See my point. Regards Bill McLeod

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