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Re: General Question. why are newbie croc owners always broke??

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Posted by ReptileMatt on April 17, 2003 at 21:33:17:

In Reply to: Re: General Question. why are newbie croc owners always broke?? posted by Rob Carmichael on April 17, 2003 at 15:31:16:

I understand what you are saying and I don't know if that message was about what i posted about finding a gator for 75 bucks. Yes I did shop around for the best deal, because I like money! I could have went down to the local pet store and spent $299.99 on a gator. I think most people would agree this is to much. I shopped around to save money. It does not mean i don't have $$. I am not saying I am wealthy and I do understand what you are saying but looking for the best deal doesn't mean that one is cheap, or does not have the resources to take care of a gator. I don't know if that was even written due to my post but that is my 2 cents!

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