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Caiman health update

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Posted by JeffP on April 16, 2003 at 14:56:08:

Hi everyone,
Well, I don't begin to understand what is going on with my Dwarf Caiman (P. palp.), but he started looking better today. He seems a bit stronger and is starting to get his balance back. I was able to reach my own vet and I also contacted the vet, who deals with the Zoo Herps. They both seemed to agree that the caiman either had a neurological problem, a toxic reaction or possibly a kidney problem, that was allowing toxins to build up in his system.

Neither of the doctors thought it would be a good idea to move the caiman. They both thought that the added stress might finish him off. I am going to let his strength come back, before I submit him to any examination. As soon as he is feeding again, I am going have a recent fecal sample run. If you would have asked me a day ago, I would have written him off as dead. Whatever the problem is, he seems to be coming through it(hopefully).

Keep your fingers crossed!

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