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Re: Turn him in! Thats what I would do! np

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Posted by philip_sallee on April 15, 2003 at 19:44:49:

In Reply to: posted by Colchicine on April 13, 2003 at 12:21:33:

:Check out the link below to a story about a pet store in Wyoming that is selling alligators. That is one thing, but the passage I included below really irked my nerves...

:"Her husband, store co-owner Matt Edwards, added that concerns that alligators will become too big for their owners' houses are unfounded -- reptiles grow to fit their environment. An alligator kept in a large aquarium will not outgrow that aquarium, he said."

:So I decided to tell the guy how wrong he was. It took me two minutes to find the pet store's phone number on the Web so I decided to call them. Of course Matt Edwards was not there but I did tell the lady on the phone what I thought and she urged me to call back tomorrow, claiming that Matt was the "expert".

:I posted here for two reasons. One was to see if anybody else would be willing to call this guy up and educate him (e-mail me for the phone number, or find it yourself), and two what is the best way to tell this guy he is an idiot? The main points I was going to make was that this is actually false information that should not be given to the general public, and I was planning on explaining to him under the conditions that an alligator would stay small enough to stay in an aquarium. Any other thoughts?

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