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Re: Supply and Demand

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Posted by Mokele on April 15, 2003 at 15:26:36:

In Reply to: Re: Supply and Demand posted by Bryan OKC on April 15, 2003 at 13:25:26:

:If we say yes, the customer comes into the store and frequently leaves with a leopard gecko or bearded dragon, after we explain how the long-term costs of an iguana will be more than those of a smaller lizard, once heat and housing are factored in. Some people think we are trying to "bait-and-switch" and, in a way I suppose we are. But not for a profit motive, just to try to match potential owners with animals they'll realistically be able to keep for life.


The pet shop i used to work at in FL also had baby iguanas, for much the same reason, but we also kept a display animal, called Spike, who was big even for an adult male iguana. We'd always tell people the little ones were just babies, and when they asked how big they grow, we'd point at Spike and say "That big.", usually resulting in the sale of leopard gecko.

unfortunately, besides having to compete with less ethical sources, there's also only so much you can do to educate people. if they don't want to listen, they won't listen.


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