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Re: The real problem...

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Posted by Vette on April 14, 2003 at 20:57:32:

In Reply to: Re: The real problem... posted by John_White on April 14, 2003 at 19:42:12:

I agree John, the only way to keep pet shops from sell aniamls to people who can't handle them is to, A. Out law exotic pets from pet shops. Doing this would make it harder for impules buyers, B. Have laws like Florida. Have people get permits and training before there purchase.
Most pet shop owners are not rich people, there just making ends meet. Most are not going to turn down a sale. Crocodilians are a bigger ticket item with more profit to be made.

Money makes the world go around$

:I agree with your statements regarding how things should be done, but in my experience this is not the reality of the situation. The vast majority of pet stores are about as effective at being "barriers" as a screen door on a submarine. Pet stores are in business to move merchandise and maximize profits.

:Given the resources available today, If I purchase an inappropriate animal it's my fault, not the pet store. I think it's unrealistic to expect pet stores to screen all potential customers. What happens if a pet store owner makes a "moral judgment" not to sell an individual an animal. Here in the US this "moral judgment" better be backed-up by some type of evidence or the owner may quickly find himself in court faced with some sort of law suite.

:I think that the "barrier" between pets and the end consumer must be formed in the mind of the end consumer.


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