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Re: Croc skeleton?

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Posted by Burmuda on April 12, 2003 at 12:33:54:

In Reply to: Croc skeleton? posted by Burmuda on April 10, 2003 at 21:01:20:

Oh and to the person who suggested going towards present day birds or mammals i really try not to, even crocs. Because you see present day birds, the large terrestrial birds of today dont use their wings to grasp food, they dont take down large prey, and they have no teeth....their body structure may be similar but their way of life is totally different. Many african predators who have speed to their advantage still ambush their prey whenever possible. Most animals are opportunistic, they will scavenge whenever possible to conserve energy. Observation is the only way to correctly conclude what they didand how they did it......and since thats not possible we can only speculate.......and i suppose since horner has fame he can say whatever the hell he'd like to and get recognition.

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