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Caimen ?s>>>>more

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Posted by highlander1 on April 09, 2003 at 21:41:53:

I probably know this already but i guess it never hurts to ask to make sure but can you dwarf a spectacled caimen by keeping them in too small of an enclosure?The reason i ask is because i have a spec. caimen that i've had for almost 2 years and he's not grown but about maybe 4 to 5 inches give or take an inch overall and to me that seems very small.The guy i got him from kept it in a 30 gallon long for its entire life,from hatchling to almost 21 inches.He's now just over 25 or 26 inches(hard to get him to hold still long enough lol) and has been in a habitat of his own consisting of a 150 gallon pond with all the extras.Land size of about 4x4 and water temps between 79 and 81 degrees (dont want it too hot) with a basking spot with fluctuating temps between 85 and 95 give or take a degree.

Hes also ill tempered as hell because the guy always caught him around the neck with a small dog noose.Hes been this way for almost 2 years with very little growth.Any suggestions.He eats like theres no tomorrow so it cant be the diet.Diet consists of mice,rat pups,chicken liver/gizzards and the occasional feeder fish (very seldom).The guy that had him before me was feeding earthworms from a bait shop and it seemed to like them but i switched it over to what you see. Regards Bill McLeod

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